Monday, June 24, 2013

Google+ Nothing

Okay, Okay, I still use Twitter... but you know what I mean.

Less than a month ago, I deactivated my Facebook page. I haven't yet filled out the forms to have it deleted, not because I think I might return, but because I've just never taken the time to log back in to do it. (I will... eventually.) Before I go further, let me clarify that this is NOT a bash Facebook rant. While I have my own personal reasons for leaving Facebook, others have their own reasons for staying. Nor does one have to choose between social networking venues (I already confessed to using Twitter). 
Whether you choose to abandoned Facebook altogether, or just amend your social networking world with the realm of Google+, there are a few things I've learned in my transition that I'd like to share:

  1. Don't treat it like Facebook. It's not. Facebook is a place where you find people you already know and connect/reconnect with them. It's a place where not much is sacred, and telling all to all is encouraged. G+, while definitely a place to connect/reconnect with those you know, it is a chance where making new connections is encouraged; while telling all to all is completely up to the user. Find people you don't know, yet share common interests with. Circle or follow them, and go from there. 
  2. You get out what you put in. I hear people complain that G+ is a ghost town. When I first started my Facebook page, it was too, until I "friended" about 100 people and made regular posts/comments. There is a world of interesting people out there who are excited to share their thoughts and dialogue with opposing views. As you read posts and articles, give meaningful responses and comments. As people read your thoughts they are more likely to "circle" you, thus growing your network. Oh, and there is a +1 button (feel free to use it), and share the content you find helpful. 
  3. Join a community(s). There are communities out there for every flavor. Sure, you're probably not going to agree with everyone in the community. You may join a tech community comprised of PC enthusiasts, Mac lovers, and Linux power users. As an Android lover, you may find an Apple fanatic in the group (or vice versa). Wonderful! Learn from each other. You will find that ideas are shared and things are made better in community. Recipes are swapped, book discussions are had, news is speculated on; and life is shared.  
  4. Circle Smart. Google+ circles is one of my favorite ideas. It took me a bit of getting use to, because when I would connect with someone on Facebook they just went in my big pile of friends. G+ forced me to think about my relationship with each person and what it was that we have in common. This is great as it specifies my sharing. I have some friends who could care less about Doctor Who (much to my chagrin), but I do have some who have discovered the awesomeness of The Doctor, so I have them in that circle  (I've also joined a Whovian community... see, I practice what I preach). I share things with that circle that only they would understand/care about while the rest of my non-Whovian friends aren't bothered by it. Oh, don't forget you can put the same person in multiple circles. 

There's much more in the Google+ world to discover, but these 4 simple steps will guide you along the way. Hope to see you there!

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